GET DueForms
This API retrieves the open obligations from the partner/external system.
This API provides access to retrieve current open obligations from the partner or external system. Open obligations represent pending or ongoing tasks, commitments, or responsibilities within the system.
• Endpoint: <environment base url>/v1.0/api/Forms/DueForms
• Method: GET
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
externalReportingEntity | String(max length 255) | Yes | Partner/External system ID |
startDateForReportingPeriod | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | No | Obligations from reporting period start date |
limit | Integer | No | Number of results to return (default: all) |
offset | Integer | No | Offset for pagination (default: 0) |
Response Structure
"data": [
"reportingYear": "String",
"reportingCountry": "String",
"reportingPeriodFromDate": "String",
"reportingPeriodToDate": "String",
"dueDate": "String",
"formId": "String",
"reportingPeriodicity": "String",
"reportingPeriodNum": "String",
"submissionMode": "String"
API Contract
Permitted Values
- M: Manual
- A: Automatic/Electronic
- Code: Frequency
- B: Bi-weekly
- W: Weekly
- M: Monthly
- BM: Bi-Monthly
- Q: Quarterly
- HY: Half Yearly
- Y: Yearly
- Code: Frequency
- dueDate, reportingPeriodFromDate, and reportingPeriodToDate are dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
- reportingYear: max length 4 characters.
- reportingCountry: max length 3 characters, must contain ISO-3166-1 standard country code.
- formId: max length 255 characters.
- reportingPeriodNum: max length 2 characters.
- The API must return obligations in chunks.
- The API must return all the due forms with the Reporting period beginning with a date less than or equal to the Current date.
- The API must return the Reporting Period Number based on the Fiscal Year Variant configured for the report.
- If a form is configured as location-based reporting, the API must return only 1 entry for each form per period, irrespective of the number of locations configured for the form.
Special Parameters Handling
- startDateForReportingPeriod: This parameter indicates from which date obligations must be returned. Obligations with reportingPeriodFromDate greater or equal to startDateForReportingPeriod must be returned. Format: yyyy-mm-dd.
- limit and offset: Parameters used for pagination.
Example URL The following URL fetches due forms for an external reporting entity: /DueForms?startDateForReportingPeriod=2021-01-01&externalReportingEntity=000000069&limit=100&offset=0
Examples for Reporting Period Number
Monthly Periodicity:
- For Jan 2022, Reporting Period Number: 01
- For Feb 2022, Reporting Period Number: 02
- ...
- For Dec 2022, Reporting Period Number: 12
- For Jan 2023, Reporting Period Number: 01 (restarts for each fiscal year)
Quarterly Periodicity:
- For Jan 2022 – March 2022, Reporting Period Number: 01
- For April 2022 – June 2022, Reporting Period Number: 02
- ...
- For Oct 2022 - Dec 2022, Reporting Period Number: 04
- For Jan 2023 – March 2023, Reporting Period Number: 01 (restarts for each fiscal year)
Sample Response
"data": [
"reportingYear": 2020,
"reportingCountry": "US",
"reportingPeriodFromDate": "2020-01-01",
"reportingPeriodToDate": "2020-01-31",
"dueDate": "2020-02-20",
"formId": "EX_FormA1",
"locationId": "",
"reportingPeriodicity": "M",
"reportingPeriodNum": "01",
"submissionMode": "M"
"reportingYear": 2020,
"reportingCountry": "US",
"reportingPeriodFromDate": "2020-02-01",
"reportingPeriodToDate": "2020-02-29",
"dueDate": "2020-03-20",
"formId": "EX_FormB2",
"locationId": "",
"reportingPeriodicity": "M",
"reportingPeriodNum": "02",
"submissionMode": "M"
"reportingYear": 2020,
"reportingCountry": "US",
"reportingPeriodFromDate": "2020-03-01",
"reportingPeriodToDate": "2020-03-31",
"dueDate": "2020-04-20",
"formId": "EX_FormC3",
"locationId": "",
"reportingPeriodicity": "M",
"reportingPeriodNum": "03",
"submissionMode": "M"
Sample request [CURL]
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer exampleToken1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \
--header 'Cookie: incap_ses_1607_1234567=exampleCookieValue1; incap_ses_8216_1234567=exampleCookieValue2; nlbi_1234567=exampleCookieValue3; visid_incap_1234567=exampleCookieValue4'