Data Dictionary
Forward Calculation Template
The Forward Calculation Template is designed to upload sales transactions for tax calculation using the forward calculation method. This method involves submitting detailed transaction data, including line items, to calculate the appropriate taxes based on the current tax rates and rules. Below is an overview of the key fields and their descriptions that need to be included in the template for successful processing:
Download Template: Forward Calculation Template
File Type: csv
Detail Record
The record below shows the various fields within the record. Each field is linked within the data dictionary which provides additional information including field constraints as well as allowed values.
Display Name | Field Name | Field Type |
Line Number | LineNumber | integer |
Invoice Number | InvoiceNumber | string |
Customer Number | CustomerNumber | string |
Location Code | LocationCode | string |
Transaction Date | TransDate | datetime |
Quantity | Quantity | integer |
Total Tax | TotalTax | decimal |
PGPI/Trans Type Code | PGPI/TransTypeCode | string |
Transaction Type | TransactionType | string |
Rule Override | RuleOverride | RuleOverride |
Tax Situs Rule | TaxSitusRule | TaxSitusRules |
Sales Type Code | SalesTypeCode | SalesTypeCode |
Regulatory Code | RegulatoryCode | string |
Gross Sales | GrossSales | decimal |
Net Sales | NetSales | decimal |
Exempt Revenue | ExemptRevenue | decimal |
Tax Exemption Code | TaxExemptionCode | string |
Exempt Reason Code | ExemptReasonCode | string |
Tax IDs With Details | TaxIDsWithDetails | string |
Ship To Geocode | ShipToGeocode | string |
Ship To State | ShipToState | string |
Ship To County | ShipToCounty | string |
Ship To City | ShipToCity | string |
Ship To Postal Code | ShipToPostalCode | string |
Ship To Plus 4 | ShipToPlus4 | integer |
Ship To Country | ShipToCountry | string |
Ship From Geocode | ShipFromGeocode | string |
Ship From State | ShipFromState | string |
Ship From County | ShipFromCounty | string |
Ship From City | ShipFromCity | string |
Ship From Postal Code | ShipFromPostalCode | string |
Ship From Plus 4 | ShipFromPlus4 | integer |
Ship From Country | ShipFromCountry | string |
User Defined Field | UserDefinedField | string |
Order Approval Geocode | OrderApprovalGeocode | string |
Order Placement Geocode | OrderPlacementGeocode | string |
Tax Rate IDs | TaxRateIDs | string |