Data Dictionary
Gross-Up File Template
The Gross-up template is used to convey summary taxes resulting from a previous tax calculation by another tax engine. SureTax uses this template to consume those totals and spread those taxes across applicable jurisdictions in order to do compliance reporting.
Download Template: Gross-Up File Template
File Type: csv
Detail Record
The record below shows the various fields within the record. Each field is linked within the data dictionary which provides additional information including field constraints as well as allowed values.
Display Name | Field Name | Field Type |
Business Unit | BusinessUnit | string |
Data Year | DataYear | integer |
Data Month | DataMonth | integer |
Compliance Year | ComplianceYear | integer |
Compliance Month | ComplianceMonth | integer |
Client Tracking Field | ClientTrackingField | string |
Line Number | LineNumber | integer |
Invoice Number | InvoiceNumber | string |
Customer Number | CustomerNumber | string |
Location Code | LocationCode | string |
Transaction Date | TransDate | string |
Gross Revenue | GrossRevenue | float |
Quantity | Quantity | integer |
Total Tax | TotalTax | float |
Exempt Revenue | ExemptRevenue | float |
Tax Situs Rule | TaxSitusRule | TaxSitusRules |
Transaction Type Code | TransactionTypeCode | string |
Sales Type Code | SalesTypeCode | SalesTypeCode |
Regulatory Code | RegulatoryCode | string |
Tax Exemption Code | TaxExemptionCode | string |
User Defined Field | UserDefinedField | string |
Ship To City | ShipToCity | string |
Ship To County | ShipToCounty | string |
Ship To State | ShipToState | string |
Ship To Postal Code | ShipToPostalCode | integer |
Ship To Plus 4 | ShipToPlus4 | integer |
Ship From City | ShipFromCity | string |
Ship From County | ShipFromCounty | string |
Ship From State | ShipFromState | string |
Ship From Postal Code | ShipFromPostalCode | integer |
Ship From Plus 4 | ShipFromPlus4 | integer |